Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Setting HKey_Curent_User with a DSC resource

I built a fun new resource for managing registry settings. “DSC already has a resource for managing the registry” you say? This one sets values to user registry settings for all users.

    KevMar_UserRegistry DisableScreenSaver
        ID        = "DisableScreenSaver"
        Key       = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop"
        ValueName = "ScreenSaveActive"
        ValueData = "0"

How cool is that? The built in DSC registry resource can only manage system settings. For servers this is all you really need. But if you have to manage user settings for some reason, forget about it. You need to use my resource to do it.

There are several limitations with my implementation to understand before we dive into how it works.

First is that this setting applies to all existing users and every new user once it is set. So if you remove this setting from future configurations instead of using the Ensure = "Absent" option, new users to the system will continue to get the setting. The good news is that using Ensure = “Absent” does stop this from applying to new users.

Second is that this sets the value only once per user. This kind of breaks the idea of DSC maintaining configuration drift. If this needs to get reapplied, there is a version attribute that must be used and incremented. Each user keeps track of what version of the setting they have applied. Increasing the version signals the user that something has changed and it needs to be set again. This is important if you are changing the ValueData  to something different.

Third these registry settings are only applied at user logon. I am using a method that hooks into the user logon process to apply the registry settings. I do not flag a reboot to DSC. I considered it but if you are starting to manage user settings, there can be a huge number of these in your configurations. Requiring a reboot for each one feels like a bit much. In my use case, I did not want the reboot. This is why making it as Absent can stop if from applying to any more users.

I’ll do a write up about how I did this in a future post. I used a Windows feature that is not very well known to most systems admins. I have it posted over at https://github.com/kmarquette/Powershell/tree/master/DSCModules/KevMar/DSCResources if you want to check it out.

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