function Check-AdminPassword(){
= "Administrator"
= ""
= Hostname
= "(&(objectCategory=Computer)(name=$Computer*))"
= New-Object
System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($Null, $LdapFilter)
$Searcher.PageSize =
= @("name")
= @()
$Searcher.FindAll() |
# Variable that
can be accessed within the Trap
= $Null
# Capture any
Trap [Exception] {
= ($_.Exception.Message).Trim()
# Test binding
to the Administrators group with the specified username and password
[Void](New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry(`
group", `
"$($_.Properties['name'])\$LocalAdministrator", `
$PasswordToTest, 0)).PsBase.Get_Name()
# If no error
is returned the the bind suceeded with this password
If (!$Script:Exception)
Write-Host "[ ] Admin Password on $($_.Properties['name']) is Blank!!!"
} Else {
Write-Host "[X] Admin Password on $($_.Properties['name']) is set"
"$($_.Properties['name']): Error binding - $($Script:Exception)"
# I am sure I copied most this script form someplace, but not sure where.